Hello, I am M. Rifqi Saiful A. H.

I'm a self-taught software engineer with years experience in developing system, designing new features from ideation to production, implementation of wireframes and design flows into high performance software applications. Currently, I'm focused on the backend development.

Email hello@rifqisah.com


Desktop Development

.NET, C, C++, C#, Windows API.

Mobile Development

Java, Flutter.

Web Development

Javascript, Typescript, PHP, Go, NodeJS, MongoDB, MySQL, Apache Kafka, Redis, Microservices.


Git, CI/CD, Docker (Desktop / Native), Webpack, ESLint, Prettier, JMeter.

Software Development

.NET, C++, C#.

Next? Soon!

Telkomsel Poin

PT Telekomunikasi Selular

Aug, 2022 — Present

Telkomsel Points is a customer loyalty program from Telkomsel for Telkomsel Halo and PraBayar users. Customers who collect points can exchange them for various rewards, such as discount vouchers for shopping, culinary delights, prize draws and internet quota.


PT Tri Digi Fin ("KreditPro")

Aug, 2020 — Nov, 2022

KreditPro is Financial Technology company based in Indonesia, with main purpose to provide loan using peer-to-peer lending mechanism. It aims to bridge lender and borrower through innovative and safe platform without the intermediaries of banks and other financial institutions.



Jun, 2020 — Feb, 2021

SocmedPay is payment platform with e-money integration method, which can be use for transaction using social media (Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter) easily and comfortably.

BTN e-Mitra Web Application

Bank Tabungan Negara

Apr, 2019 — Jul, 2019

e-Mitra is a website-based application that functions as a processing tool for partner collaboration, monitoring and reporting on Partner performance. E-Mitra users consist of potential partners, partners, BTN Branch Offices, and BTN Head Office.

Community Based Work Information System

Jenderal Soedirman University

Oct, 2018 — Jan, 2019

Community Based Work Information System is a system that has a function to help a community in finding information about the location of a place that is opening a job. Made with Java.

Information system of Employee Work Schedule

CV Jenderal Solusi Digital

Jan, 2018 — May, 2018

Information system of Employee Work Schedule case study CV. Jenderal Software Purwokerto is a system that has a function for managing work schedule of CV. Jenderal Software employee. This information system has several functions such as managing employee data, project data, schedule data and activity records of each employee in the project.


Jenderal Soedirman University

Aug, 2016 — Dec, 2016

Segimaba is information system of helping new students for finding boarding house in Purbalingga.

Bachelor of Engineering

Jenderal Soedirman University

Aug, 2015 — Aug, 2019